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Hudong-Zhonghua won orders for two 174,000 m3 LNG carriers

Date:2023-07-27 250

On July 25, COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation issued a notice on signing shipbuilding contracts and charter contracts for LNG transportation projects.

The announcement disclosed that Lianxiang LNG Transportation and Lianrui LNG Transportation, in which COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation indirectly holds 70.71% of the shares, signed a shipbuilding contract with the joint sellers (Hudong–Zhonghua Shipbuilding and China Shipbuilding Trading) on July 25, 2023. It is agreed that Hudong–Zhonghua Shipbuilding will build two 174,000 m3 LNG carriers for two single ship companies, and the total price of the two ships is about 3.33 billion yuan.
The new ship is scheduled to be delivered in the second half of 2025 and the first half of 2026.
Two single ship companies have signed charter contracts with PetroChina International for a period of 25 years from the date of delivery of each vessel.
By Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu